How can I upgrade my ad?

How can I upgrade my ad? 

Upgrading your ad is a great way to increase exposure to help sell your caravan faster. caravancampingsales offers users the choice to upgrade their standard ad to Premium and Ultimatelistings. So what's the difference?  


Standard Ad Package 

  • Appear in search results 
  • Receive weekly email with ad stats, hints and tips 

Premium Ad Package 

  • Appear higher in the search results 
  • Receive weekly email with ad stats, hints and tips 

Ultimate Ad Package 

  • Appear highest in the search results  
  • Receive weekly email with ad stats, hints and tips 
  • Share a Vehicle History Report with buyers 
  • Be on top of your category for 30 days 
  • Virtual phone number for added security 

Free Ad Package 

  • Available to caravans for sale below $4,999
  • Appear in search results 

To upgrade your ad,
Sign in to your account. 



To upgrade your caravancampingsales ad on desktop 

  1. Sign into your account. Select Manage Ads from the drop down menu and select page, select the Manage ad button located on the ad you wish to edit. 


  2. Click on Improve your ad from the three tabs and scroll down and select from the available upgrade options Premium or Ultimate. 


  3. Next, click the Purchase button and enter your payment details and your upgrade will be processed. 




To upgrade your caravan ad on the caravancampingsales App 

  1. Go to the caravancampingsales App and select the Account tab located at the bottom of your screen. 
  2. Sign into your account (if you haven’t already). 
  3. Tap the Sell tab located at the bottom of the screen 
  4. Then select Manage my ad
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  5. Next, tap the edit button on the ad you wish to upgrade. Next tap the upgrade to premium link at the top left corner of the page

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  6. Then tap on the Cart (1) button at the top right corner of the page which will take you to the payment screen. Tap on Pay Now 
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  7. Follow the prompts to make payment 



Related articles: 

How can I 'showcase' my ad? 
Ways you can improve your Ad Performance 

Any information on this page is provided as a guide only. It is not professional or expert advice and is not a substitute for such advice. The content may not be appropriate, correct or sufficient for your circumstances and should not be relied on as the only reason you do or don’t do anything.
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